Friday, February 23, 2007

Twins should trade Lew Ford this spring

The Twins should trade Lew Ford, this spring, for perhaps, a minor league catching prospect, or pitcher. They have a plethora of outfielders, right now, and have a need to keep J.D. Durbin (he's out of options) on the team as a long-reliever/spot starter AND Jason Tyner, who with his .300+ average and speed can cover outfield spots in reserve, along with Jason Kubel, who is pegged as the DH.

Something has to give. While we love Lew Ford for what he did as a rookie, and what he's done since to help the team, I think he'd do better in a different environment.

Barring the trade, or injuries, Ford will make the team, and probably Tyner won't.

That's why they need to make the trade.

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